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Call or text John McManus at 201-240-6995.
At this time we do not offer CME credit. The feedback that we have received from our customers is that they want a review that is quick, effective and cheap. Customers state they prefer our low price over the added cost of CME which most customers easily attain at a conference or by other means. Currently we are the cheapest MyEMCert review on the market and we intend to remain so. We are welcome to feedback on this issue. In order to offer our customers the most cost effective review, we do not offer CME credit.
Every year after the exam. We use customer feedback to keep our review high yield. We need your feedback to continue to tailor our review for the exam! Contact us after your exam and let us know tips to improve our book or online course and you will be entered in a drawing to receive your money back! Yes, get your review for FREE! Please provide feedback to content material in the questions and lecture which you feel need better explanation or that you will feel will better improve the course. Please do not provide actual test questions from the test for which the testee is required to sign a non-disclosure clause.
The textbook is updated annually, and sometimes twice a year. After purchase you will always receive the most updated version. Every year the changes are usually minor, so we still stand by our money-back guarantee if you fail your exam after buying our online course and text. We have a 99% pass rate – you won’t fail!
Our qualifying exam review and MyEMCerts have a 99% pass rate.
We guarantee 7-10 business days (although most customers in the continental U.S. have received the book within 2 days). We ship immediately and the rest is up to the postal system!
Lots of botox and hair gel!
Hours in the gym and staring at yourself in the mirror! Our reviews will “pump you up!!!”
Thank you for considering our review! We are here to serve you. Do you have other questions?
You can also call or text Dr. John McManus directly at (210) 240-6995.